Here's How Going Keto Can Help You Get Better Sleep

Getting a good night's sleep continues to be a challenge for many people across the world. In the US, between 30 and 48 percent of adults struggle with insomnia, and 20 percent of people tried various remedies for sleep problems in 2020. Having good sleep hygiene, taking sleep medications or supplements, and getting a relaxing massage can all help to alleviate sleep issues, but did you know that eating the right foods and following certain meal plans can also help you to get some zzzs?
The ketogenic diet has been proven to be effective for weight loss, but now, several studies show that this low carb, high protein diet may also help to improve sleep quality. Here's how going keto can help you get better sleep.
The science behind keto and sleep
A study has shown that a ketogenic diet can promote adenosine activity in the body, which can reduce pain and inflammation and relax the nervous system. All of these can help to improve sleep, making it a safe way to enhance sleep quality in children and adults. Eating family-friendly keto meals and snacks, such as barbeque, bunless burgers, and veggies dipped in a roasted cashew dip can help both the young and old to get better sleep.
Meanwhile, another piece of research has revealed that adhering to the keto diet plan can reduce daytime sleepiness in obese patients, which can encourage them to stay more active during the day. It can also help them to sleep better at night, and better sleep quality, paired with a proper diet and exercise, can contribute to weight and fat loss. If you have weight issues, consider switching to a high protein diet by eating more meat and eliminating all types of carbs and sugars from your diet.
Keto for longer and deeper sleep
Adults between 18 and 64 need seven to nine hours of sleep per night, but 35 percent of all American adults report sleeping less than the minimum required hours of sleep every night. Getting a full night's sleep can help to boost the immune system, prevent weight gain, improve heart health and mood, and increase productivity, which is why it's so important to make sleep a priority.
If you're unable to sleep deeply or if you keep waking up in the middle of the night, you can consider going on a ketogenic diet. A study has shown that consuming large amounts of protein can result in longer sleep times and more consistent sleep patterns, making the keto diet ideal for those who can't stay asleep. Apart from consuming meat, aim to include lots of quality protein in your diet, such as eggs, tofu, chickpeas, quinoa, and almonds, so you can get longer and deeper sleep every night.
Getting ready to go keto
Going on a keto diet will take some preparation, but the health benefits and its impact on your sleep quality make all the prep work worth the effort. Know what foods you aren't allowed to eat while on this diet, and be comfortable cooking your own meals, since processed foods aren't recommended when you're on keto. You should also talk to your family and friends about your new meal plan so they can support you, and they'll be less likely to push or suggest forbidden foods when you're eating together.
Going on a ketogenic diet can help you to get better sleep. Consult your doctor before going on this meal plan to see if eating a high protein, low carb diet is right for you.